Select your language on the left top corner at our website by clicking ‘EN’ for English, or ‘ID’ for Indonesia.

Follow these steps below to shop at our web store

1. How to find the Product

Move your pointers to ‘Shop’ on the middle top at our website, then choose you preferred categories, whether ‘Teen Product’ or ‘Kids Product’

When you are looking for the sale items, you can move your pointer to ‘Sale’ on the top at our website, then choose your preferred categories, whether ‘Teen Products’ or ‘Kids Product’

When you know exactly what you are looking for, you can directly search on the search box, you can find it on the right top at our website. You can click ‘ ⌕ ‘, and write down some keyword that you are looking for. Example: ‘backpack’, ‘sandal’, etc.

2. How to choose the product

Click the product that you like to buy, select the color and size that you are interested in by clicking the button option (color, and size), and then add your desired quantity (you can simply write the quantity or click +/- button, and click ‘Add to Cart’. Find another product to purchase more, and repeat the process

When you think you are finished, and want to check you cart, you can find it by clicking the ‘bag’ image on the right top at the website, you will see your product list that you choose.

3. How to Check Out your cart

When you finish adding the product to your cart, you can check it first by click ‘View Cart”. You will find out your total purchase, including the shipping cost. 

You can also find the coupon code box below your selected product, kindly fill it when you have any to apply the promo on you cart.

Once you are done, click the ‘proceed to check out’


When you finish adding you product to cart, and you want to proceed to check out immediately, you can simply click ‘CHECKOUT’

If you have any coupon or promo code, you can click “click here to enter your code” on the top of your billing details.

When you see the Check Out page, kindly fill out the detail correctly (name, address, etc), write some Order notes if any. Better yet, create an account so you don’t have to fill in your personal and shipping details every time you make an order!

Review your detail information and your product total detail on the right side, and then select the payment method that you desired (bank transfer, credit card, etc). To finish the process simply click ‘PLACE ORDER’

You have 1x24 hours to complete your payment. When you exceed the limit, your order will be cancelled automatically.